Oana Negru-Subtirica, Ph.D. is an associate professor at the Department of Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University, teaching school and vocational counseling, and motivation development. Her research focuses on the development of intentionality and agency in adolescence and emerging adulthood, from the perspective of identity formation, motivation, and goals. She has been working as a scientist-practitioner for over 16 years, developing and applying educational and vocational interventions for diverse populations. She coordinated and worked as a member in over 16 national and international projects. She authored over 35 scientific articles, 18 books and book chapters, and has coordinated 6 fully funded grants.

Lavinia Damian-Ilea, PhD, works at the Department of Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University, teaching academic writing, conducting seminars in school psychology and vocational counseling at undergraduate level and mental health promotion in children and adolescents at masters level. Her longitudinal research focuses on personal and contextual antecedents of the development of perfectionism in adolescents, as well as on outcomes of perfectionism in different life domains and at different developmental stages. She is also interested in the consequences of parental perfectionism on the subjective experience and behaviors of parents, as well as on the socio-emotional and personality development of their adolescent children. Her publications can be found on her ResearchGate and GoogleScholar profiles.

Lavinia Damian CV 

CV_Lavinia Damian-Ilea_EN_Feb 2024 

Lavinia Damian-Ilea


Eleonora Ioana Pop, Ph.D is a post- doctoral researcher at the Department of Psychology, Babeș-Bolyai University. Her research interest regards identity development in educational settings in adolescents and emerging adults with a focus on the personal and contextual factors (e.g., personality traits, academic performance) related to identity development. She is a practitioner in the field of psychology for over 8 years. Eleonora Ioana Pop worked as a research assistant in several national and international research projects and she authored/co-authored 10 scientific articles, 5 book chapters, and a book, most of them on identity topic.

Eleonora Ioana Pop CV

Bogdan Glăvan is a Ph.D. student at the School of Applied Cognitive Psychology, Babeș-Bolyai University. His research aims to investigate identity development during emerging adulthood by analyzing the relation between identity processes, self-regulation of goals and meaning-making. In recent years, he has been involved either as a practitioner or as a researcher in various national and international projects that have focused on the academic and vocational development of young people.

Bogdan Glăvan

Ph.D. Student

Casandra Timar-Anton has a M.Sc. in Counselling Psychology and Interventions in Human Development from Babeș-Bolyai University. Her dissertation paper investigated the development and testing of a mobile application to strengthen identity commitments through personal goals. Casandra`s primary scholarly interests focus on identity formation in adolescence and emerging adults using experience sampling and mobile applications in goal pursuit and goal regulation. Currently she works as a practitioner, developing and delivering psychological counselling, courses, and workshops to parents and adolescents.

Casandra Timar-Anton CV

Bianca-Valentina Marinica is pursuing a Ph.D. at the Doctoral School for Applied Cognitive Psychology of Babeş-Bolyai University. Her Ph.D. thesis focuses on how volunteering activities contribute to the civic, personal and professional development of young people. Other topics of interest are the study of identity, vocational counselling and non-formal education. In recent years, she has attended several Erasmus+ projects and gained training experience by developing and delivering workshops for adolescents and emerging adults.

Diana Vois

Ph.D. Student

Diana Vois is a Ph.D student at the School of Applied Cognitive Psychology, Babeș-Bolyai University. Her thesis focuses on perfectionism and the socio-emotional factors involved in adolescents’ development. She is also interested in the study of identity development, self-regulation, motivation and performance from a longitudinal perspective.

Diana Vois CV