Organized Events


Erasmus + Intensive Training Program (March 5 – 17)

This two-week course provided an in-depth focus on challenges to identity formation in the modern world. Teachers (international experts in the field of identity formation) and 25 students from five European countries (France, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania) participated in a comprehensive program on identity in diverse Europe. For more information please visit:

Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood Thematic Conference: Self and Identity in Emerging Adulthood (May 17-19)

With more than 140 participants from over 30 countries and the scientific committee formed from the top researches of the field, the three-day event was a great opportunity for the dissemination of the latest studies in identity and self in emerging adulthood research.  The conference included two days of conference and one day of post-conference master workshops. Activities included events as a key-note address, master lectures, round table, panel discussion, and a special event (i.e., “Ask Arnett”). For more information please visit
Self and Identity in Emerging Adulthood


Webinar: The development of an adaptable vocational identity (July 27)

Through this webinar we aimed to address how the development of vocational identity in adolescence and vocational skills influence each other. We have emphasized the ways in which the knowledge in the literature related to the field of identity development and career guidance can be implemented.

Interactive conference: The role of personal and parental factors in adolescent positive development (May 31)

The purpose of this event was to make the results of our research known to our collaborators (teachers, school counselors, psychologists) and to create a favorable framework for linking scientific research to everyday reality.

Workshop: Connect your career with your identity. Workshops on self-awareness and personal development (May 18, 19, 29)

Through this workshop, we aimed to facilitate the career development process through interactive self-knowledge activities. Thus, we have tried to be more aware of the values and interests that guide our career path and how we can relate career goals to these values and interests.

Conferences (selection)

Negru-Subtirica, O., Damian, L. E., & Friedlmeier, M. “Financial success: A qualitative analysis on Romanian parent-emerging adult child dyads”. Oral presentation at the Regional Conference of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology (IACCP), Warsaw, Poland (16-19 July).

Glavan, B., Negru-Subtirica, O., & Benga, O. “Self-regulation of unattainable goals and meaning-making in identity development”. Poster presented at the International Meaning Conference: Joining Forces in Practice and Research, London, United Kingdom (30 June – 02 July).

Matei, C., Negru-Subtirica, O., & Opre, A. “Faith, youth, and meaning making: A qualitative analysis”. Poster presented at the International Meaning Conference: Joining Forces in Practice and Research, London, United Kingdom (30 June – 02 July).

Glăvan, B., Negru-Subțirică, O., & Benga, O. “Self-regulation of unattainable goals in identity development”. Poster presentation at the 18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Utrecht, Nederlands (29 August – 01 September).

Glăvan, B., Negru-Subțirică, O., Benga, O. “The relation between identity processes and self-regulation of unattainable goals”. Poster presentation at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood 8th Biennial Conference, Washington, U.S.A. (02-04 November).


Negru-Subtirica, O., Pop, E. I., Luyckx, K., Dezutter, J., & Steger, M. “Reciprocal associations between identity and meaning in life in adolescence: A three-wave longitudinal study”. Invited symposium at the XV Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), La Barrosa, Cádiz, Spain (16-19 September).

Damian, L. E., Stoeber, J., Negru-Subtirica, O., & Baban, A. “How do adolescents get to strive for perfection? The impact of high academic achievement and efficacy on perfectionism development in adolescence”. Oral presentation at the XV Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), La Barrosa, Cádiz, Spain (16-19 September).

Pop, E. I., Negru-Subtirica, O., Crocetti, E., & Meeus, W. “Longitudinal connections between academic achievement and personality traits in adolescents during a school year”. Invited symposium at the XV Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), La Barrosa, Cádiz, Spain (16-19 September).

Negru-Subtirica, O., Damian, L. E., Stoeber, J., & Pop, E. I. “On the longitudinal interplay between perfectionism and career adaptability in adolescents”. Oral presentation at the Perfectionism Network Meeting, Canterbury, UK (12-13 July).

Damian, L. E., Negru-Subtirica, O., Stoeber, J., & Pop, E. I. “On the development of perfectionism and perfectionistic self-presentation in adolescents: The role of parental behaviors”. Oral presentation at the Perfectionism Network Meeting, Canterbury, UK (12-13 July).


Negru-Subtirica, O., “The wandering emerging adult: Identity development and positive adaptation in the context of migration”, oral presentation at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (14-16 October), Miami, Florida, USA.

Negru-Subtirica, O., Chair for the symposium “All about the money: Negotiation of financial socialization in emerging adults and their parents”, organized at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (14-16 October), Miami, Florida, USA.

Negru-Subtirica, O., Damian, L. E., & Friedlmeier, M., “What does it take to be financially successful? Views of emerging adults versus their parents”, oral presentation at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (14-16 October), Miami, Florida, USA.

Damian, L. E., Negru-Subtirica, O., & Friedlmeier, M. “Financial knowledge, control, and behaviors in emerging adults: The role of parents”, oral presentation at the 7th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (14-16 October), Miami, Florida, USA.


Pop, E.I., & Negru, O. The influence of personality and educational identity interconnections on academic achievement in adolescence: A longitudinal approach”, oral presentation to be presented at the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Izmir Cesme (3-6 September), Turkey.

Damian, L., Stoeber, J., Negru, O., & Băban, A., “Perfectionism and school engagement in adolescents”, poster presented at the 15th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (20-22 March), Austin, USA.


Pop, E. I., & Negru, O., “Following choices – Emerging adults’ identity profiles at the beginning of a teaching career”, paper presented at the ISSBD regional workshop „Interpersonal dynamics in childhood and adolescence”, Budapest (12-14 September), Hungary.

Damian, L., Stoeber, J., Negru, O., & Băban, A., “Perfectionism in adolescents: A longitudinal study”, paper presented at the ISSBD regional workshop „Interpersonal dynamics in childhood and adolescence”, Budapest (12-14 September), Hungary.

Damian, L., Stoeber, J., Negru, O., & Băban, A., “On the development of perfectionism in adolescence: Do perceived parental expectations and criticism matter?” poster presented at the European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Lausanne (3-7 September), Switzerland.

Crocetti, E., Cieciuch, J., Gao, C. H., Matos, P. M., Morsunbul, U., Negru, O., Sugimura, K., Zimmermann, G., & Meeus, W. “The Utrecht-Management Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS): Psychometric properties in various cultural contexts”. Oral presentation at the 12th European Conference on Psychological Assessment. San Sebastian (17-20 July), Spain.

Karaś, D., Cieciuch, J., Negru, O., & Crocetti, E. Dobrostan i kształtująca się tożsamość w okresie stającej się dorosłości – badania miedzykulturowe [Well-being and identity formation in emerging adulthood – cross-cultural comparison]. Paper presented at the XXII General Polish Conference on Developmental Psychology (OKPR), Gdańsk (May), Poland.

Crocetti, E., Cieciuch, J., Gao, C. H., Matos, P. M., Morsunbul, O., Negru, O., Sugimura, K., Zimmermann, G., & Meeus, W. “Identity Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Nine-Nation Cross-Cultural Study. In L. Axtetter (Chair), Identity”. Symposium conducted at the 13th Meeting of the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (February), Mobile, Alabama, USA.

Negru, O., Moraru, C., Subțirică, A., & Opre, A., “Perception of transition to adulthood in student and employed emerging adults from Romania”, oral presentation at the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spestes (29 August-2 September), Greece.

Crocetti, E., Cieciuch, J., Gao, C. H., Matos, P. M., Morsünbül, Ü., Negru, O., Sugimura, K., Zimmermann, G., & Meeus, W. “Studying identity in emerging adulthood in a cross-cultural perspective: Evidence from nine European and Asian countries”, Symposium conducted at the X° National Congress of Social Psychology (AIP), Chieti (September), Italy.

Crocetti, E, Klimstra, T., Ahmad, I., Cieciuch, J., Gao, C. H., Matos, P. M., Negru, O., Sugimura, K., Zimmermann, G., & Meeus., W. “Studying identity cross-culturally: A nine-nation study with adolescents and emerging adults from European and Asian countries”, oral presentation at the European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA), Spestes (29 August-2 September), Greece.

Karaś, D., Cieciuch, J., Negru, O., & Crocetti, E., “Model of relationships between identity development and well-being in Poland, Romania, and Italy”, poster presentation at the European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference (EARA), Spestes (29 August-2 September), Greece.

Damian, L.E., Stoeber, J., Negru, O., & Băban A. “The role of perfectionism cognitions and achievement goals in predicting adolescents’ academic self-efficacy”, poster presentation at the European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference (EARA), Spestes (29 August-2 September), Greece.

Damian, L.E., & Negru, O., “Perceptions of classroom promoted achievement goals: Interdependence within the peer group”, poster presentation at the European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference (EARA), Spestes (29 August-2 September), Greece.

Negru, O., Damian, L., & Pop, E. I.Achievement Goal Orientations in a Combative Context: How Does Competence Develop?”, poster presentation at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development Conference (ISSBD), 8-12 July, Edmonton, Canada.

Damian, L. E, Negru, O., Stoeber, J., Pop, E. I., & Baban, A. Positive and negative affect in adolescents: The role of perfectionism, achievement goals, and academic efficacy”, poster presentation at the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development Conference (8-12 July), Edmonton, Canada.


Negru, O., Zdrâncu, D.P., & Opre, A., “A tale of many careers: Representations of career development in Romanian emerging adults and their parents”, oral presentation at the 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (26-28 October), Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

Negru, O., Subțirică, A., & Mustea, A., “Envisioning the future in emerging adulthood: A comparative analysis of life goals in employed versus student emerging adults”, poster presented at the 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (26-28 October), Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

Negru, O., Porfeli, E., & Crocetti, E. “Preparing for the future: an analysis of educational and vocational identity in Romanian adolescents”, oral presentation at the International Conference”Vocational designing and career counseling: Challenges and new horizons” (12-14 September), Padova, Italy.

Crocetti, E., & Negru, O., Correlati del benessere soggettivo, psicologico e sociale nell’emerging adulthood: Risultati di uno studio cross-culturale” oral presentation at the Conference “Il benessere nel quotidiano. Cerche e pratiche a confronto” (11-12 November), Milano, Italy.

Pop, E.I., & Negru, O., “The role of motivational orientations in identity development among Romanian emerging adults”, poster presented at the 5th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (26-28 octombrie), Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

Negru, O., & Crocetti, E. „Identity statuses and well-being in Romanian and Italian emerging adults”, poster presented at the XVth European Conference on Developmental Psychology (23-27 August), Bergen, Norway.

Pop, E. I., Georgescu, A., & Negru, O. “Determinants of achievement motivation in emerging adulthood: a comparison between high-school and university students”, poster prezentat la XVth European Conference on Developmental Psychology (23-27 August), Bergen, Norway.


Negru, O., & Crocetti, E. “Dimensions of well-being and identity development in Romanian and Italian emerging adults: A cross-cultural analysis”, poster presented at the European Health Psychology Conference (1-4 September), Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Negru, O., & Subţirică, A. “Dimensions of performance in a competitive context: an experimental analysis of achievement goals and normative feedback”, poster presented at the Fourth Self-Determination Theory Conference (13-16 May), Gent, Belgium.

Subţirică, A., & Negru, O. An analysis of extrinsic and intrinsic aspirations of employed versus student emerging adults in Romania”, poster presented at the Fourth Self-Determination Theory (13-16 May), Ghent, Belgium.

Negru, O., “Achievement Goals and the Power of a Competitor: Understanding Performance in a Competitive Context”, poster presented at the 13th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence (11-13 March), Philadelphia, USA.


Negru, O., & Subţirică, A. “Goal structures and contents of emerging adults in Romania: approaching intentional pursuits through analysis of personal goals”, oral presentation at the 4th Conference on Emerging Adulthood (29-30 October), Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Negru, O., & Mustea, A. “The complexity of transitions: a cross-sectional study of goal structures and goal dynamics through academic development”, poster presented at the XIVth European Conference on Developmental Psychology, Vilnius (17-22 August), Lithuania.

Mustea, A., & Negru, O. “Religious personal goals, motivation and spiritual experience in an Orthodox Christian Romanian sample”, oral presentation at the Congress of the International Association for the Psychology of Religion, Vienna (23-27 August), Austria.